Take 10
Service Design
One often tends to set unrealistic expectations from oneself and that is how the accumulation of self-doubt, anxiety and stress happens over time. We are so engrossed explaining ourselves to others that we often forget to answer ourselves. We forget to be honest with ourselves and refrain from 'the inner conversation' needed.
Amidst the chaos, one doesn’t know where and when to stop and thereby ends up creating an endless loop of unwanted thoughts.
Take 10, a new service design helps one to declutter and strike a balance to live an exuberant life by becoming a better version of oneself!
The gaps Identified were as followed:
One feels fulfilled when society's expectations are met.
Humans alter behaviours as per society's needs and expectations, to avoid conflicts and getting hurt.
Humans feel vulnerable to show the weakness to the society.
Past experiences and issues change the behaviour and how one deals with one’s present life situations. Those experiences also become one’s fears for the future and affects how one looks at life.
The need is to help one rejuvenate, relax and realise one’s potential by taking an experiential journey towards self-betterment or to help one become more mindful of one’s surrounding and reach towards a state of transitional calmness (an empty state of mind). The clutter we struggle with the most offers us the deepest learning opportunities about ourselves, our values, and our mindset.